
Thursday, February 13, 2025

Aces & Eights: The Rise of TNA's Motorcycle Gang Faction

Aces & Eights.

The name creates images of rebellious bikers creating chaos while they make it be known that, "When you ride with the Aces & 8s, you never walk alone!" When TNA introduced the faction in 2012, Aces & Eights dominated storylines for over a year, creating a sense of intrigue and anticipation. It was masterfully executed, and had the potential to deliver even more than it ultimately did. The nWo is considered by many to be one of the best pro-wrestling factions of all time, and Aces & Eights had the ingredients to earn that distinction as well.

It started off with three masked men appearing and sneak attacking Sting in the middle of the ring while he was cutting a promo during the June 14, 2012 episode of, "IMPACT WRESTLING". For maximum impact, it was done during the last segment of the show.

Storylines play a large role in American pro-wrestling. Fans enjoy seeing a storyline encapsulate the action that takes place in the ring, especially if it's of the mystery genre. That style of storyline makes fans sit on the edges of their seats while they watch the story unfold, wondering what is going to happen next. After the show is over, they go online and speculate with fellow fans, the angle's details still fresh in their minds. And most importantly, they come back for more.

In the early stages of the Aces & Eights storyline, masked assailants ran rampant throughout the company with possibly a mastermind within TNA controlling them behind the scenes, and there was suspense of not knowing what was going to happen next. It reminded me of how WCW was in 1997, complete with closing segments that were the best part of the show. The last five minutes of the August 23, 2012 episode of, "IMPACT WRESTLING" was the most exciting closing segment I had seen on an American pro-wrestling show all summer.

The storyline was kept under wraps very well, which was beneficial to it. Both fans and the pro-wrestling media were speculating on a regular basis regarding who it would turn out was supposed to be behind Aces & Eights (much like they speculated on who would be next to join the nWo back in the 90s). Always having an aura of mystery and suspense around them, it was never known when the Aces & Eights were going to show up, and if it was obvious that they were going to show up, it was never certain regarding in what capacity it was going to happen. And with TNA talent "crossing enemy lines" and joining the Aces & Eights, it was never clear who was going to join next, or when. During a promo segment? During a match? The only way to find out was to keep watching. After not being seen on "IMPACT WRESTLING" for weeks, Mr. Anderson returned as an ally of the Aces & Eights. During a wedding segment, Taz went from being the best man to being revealed as the newest member of the Aces and Eights in the blink of an eye.

At TNA Lockdown 2013 in front of the biggest domestic crowd ever for a TNA show, Bully Ray won the TNA World Heavyweight Championship while simultaneously revealing that he was the president of the Aces and Eights faction. This championship victory gave the Aces & Eights new life and brought them to the forefront of TNA, just as Hulk Hogan brought the nWo to the forefront of WCW when he was revealed as the leader of the nWo and shifted the balance of power. The heel heat was raw when Bully Ray cut his post-match heel promo, as the ring was pelted with garbage thrown into the ring by angry fans, which was the same way that WCW fans reacted when Hogan revealed that he had turned heel. The Aces & Eights had reached an nWo-level of dominance in TNA.

It was the Aces and Eights' time to be highlighted to their fullest potential, especially Bully Ray. Many had been praising him for over a year. Even Ray himself had noted that his career had new vitality. For the first time in Ray's career, the weight of a pro-wrestling company was resting on his shoulders.

When reviewing the eventual reveal of Bully Ray as the president of the Aces & Eights, it's obvious that choosing Ray was not a last-minute decision, as there were hints during the months leading up to it. With the Aces & Eights getting involved in Bully Ray-related situations on more than one occasion (to the benefit of Ray) since they made their debut, it's quite clear what Ray was referring to when he would constantly mention Bully Nation. And it appears that Ray threw a major hint regarding his affiliation with the Aces & Eights during the summer of 2012 on Twitter.

The night before Bully Ray posted that tweet, he was on an episode of "IMPACT WRESTLING" appearing to make a save against Aces & Eights.

Also, Ray would rarely join in on brawls against the Aces & Eights members, and when he did, they didn't put up much offense (if any). And one time, Bully Ray -limping with a chain- was keeping seven members of the Aces & Eights at bay. Unrealistic? Of course it was- it was all "a part of the plan".

In addition, Eric Bischoff (who was TNA Executive Producer at the time) was a red herring suspect, posing as the president of the Aces & Eights on an episode of, "IMPACT WRESTLING". He clearly wasn't Bully Ray, and Bischoff certainly did his job well, convincing viewers that he was the president. Bischoff barely tried to disguise his voice, making it obvious who he was. This created a tremendous wave of gossip, as fans and members of the pro-wrestling media were sure that they knew the identity of the President of the Aces and Eights.

Bully Ray's reveal as the leader of Aces & Eights at Lockdown 2013 was a pivotal moment, solidifying their dominance and elevating them to the top of TNA. The faction had reached an NWO-level of prominence, and the future seemed limitless. But this was just the peak of their ride. In Part 2, I'll take a look at the opportunities that were not taken that prevented Aces & Eights from achieving legendary status and examine how their brand could have been built for long-term success.

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