Friday, April 5, 2024

Archive Interview: Nigel McGuinness

(originally published 1/30/05)

Raised on the mean streets of England while feeding off a diet of Punk Rock and Soccer riots, Nigel McGuinness eventually made his way to the United States, where he captured the H.W.A. Heavyweight, New Breed Heavyweight, H.W.A. Tag, and H.W.A. European titles. McGuinness currently works for ROH and IWA Mid-South. When he is in Britain, McGuinness works for All Star Wrestling.

Q: How long have you been involved in the business?

A: Started training late 1998, been a fan since I was about twelve.

Q: Why did you enter the pro-wrestling industry?

A: It was always my dream since I was about twelve. I tried other things but in the end nothing made me feel like wrestling did. I had it in my blood.

Q: Where did you receive your training to become a pro-wrestler?

A: Various places. Originally learnt the basics and respect at Heartland Wrestling Association in Cincinnati. Then learnt much more of the British style while wrestling for All Star promotions from guys like Chic Cullen, Robbie Brookside and James Mason.

Q: What do you like the most about being in the business?

A: Telling people I'm a wrestler. Just kidding. I like the fact that it was what I always wanted to do. Achieving your dream is a pretty cool thing, not that I've gone all the way.

Q: Which persona appeals to you the most: Face, Heel, or Tweener?

A: Not sure what a Tweener is. But I think I'm naturally a guy that people like to boo initially but after a while grow to cheer.

Q: What is your gimmick?

A: I guess I'm a punk rock soccer hooligan who wrestles an uncharacteristic technical style. Billy Idol meets Jonny Saint perhaps.

Q: Do you think that ROH has recovered yet from the blemish left by the Rob Feinstein controversy?

A: Absolutely, ROH has and always will be associated with hard work and quality matches. Nothing'd any different today than before.

Q: Which do you feel has been your best match so far?

A: Cannot say. I like different ones for different reasons.

Q: Which has been your favorite match so far?

A: See above.

Q: You worked for the Heartland Wrestling Association when it was a WWE developmental territory. Are you interested in wrestling for their current developmental territory, OVW?

A: Of course. I'd love the opportunity to be looked at by WWE.

Q: With whom would you like to wrestle, that you have not yet done so?

A: American Dragon, Steve Regal, Triple H, the list goes on this early in my career.

Q: What do you do in your spare time?

A: Write, spend time with the old lady, try to relax.

Q: What is your long-term goal in the business?

A: Make some money and be seen on an international level. Make a name for myself up there with the best and be respected by my peers.

I hope you enjoyed this interview with Nigel McGuinness. In 2003, I began running my own website, World Wrestling Optimum, which consisted of news, articles, and interviews, including this one.

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