Friday, January 12, 2024

[BUKOTSU][PREVIEW] "Pro Wrestling BUKOTSU 1st Anniversary" 1/28/24

Based in Osaka, Pro Wrestling BUKOTSU has been active since 2012, but for most of its existence ran a small amount of shows each year. But in 2023, BUKOTSU relaunched, presenting shows more often, featuring not only wrestlers who live in Osaka and its surrounding area, but wrestlers from other parts of Japan as well. On January 28, BUKOTSU will celebrate the first 1st anniversary since its relaunch, at Osaka Okinawa Kaikan with a 1:00 p.m. start time.

The card will be as follows:

Takaya Shibayama (as seen in AJPW, DDT, BJW, ZERO1, and FMW)
Miyu (as seen in Ice Ribbon and PURE-J)
Orochi (as seen in BJW)
Haruka Aikawa

Michio Kageyama (as seen in NOAH, DDT, BJW, AJPW, and ZERO1)
Rekka (as seen in Michinoku Pro, NJPW, AJPW, DG, and BJW)
Masao Ando (as seen in BJW and ZERO1)

HASEGAWA (as seen in Stardom and FMW)
Taro Bukotsu

DEP Openweight Championship
Takeshi Irei (DEP Openweight Champion)
Kenta Kosugi (as seen in BJW and ZERO1)

Mari Manji (of Yanagase Pro Wrestling)
Ryo Mizunami (former Regina Di WAVE Champion)

Jinsei Shinzaki (legend of the industry, a cornerstone of Michinoku Pro)
Gaia Hox (as seen in Michinoku Pro and BJW)
Tomohiko Hashimoto (former DDT star)
Daisuke Masaoka (as seen in DG, DDT, BJW, ZERO1, and Ice Ribbon)
Maori Kawashima

You can get ticket information by contacting Mari Manji on Twitter here, by contacting Kenta Kosugi on Twitter here, by contacting Masao Ando on Twitter here, or by contacting Ryo Mizunami on Twitter here.

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